Some feedback for September Long 2017

yep ! by looking at test cases anyone can generate the code ,no use of problem statement

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Actually, I got a bug in one of the questions. I donā€™t know if it will qualify as a bug or not, but it was related to a missing test case. The problem code is CHEFPDIG (Chef and Pick digits). The question has partial marking. In my code, I never got the output Z in the output string, but still, I received partial marks as Subtask 1 didnā€™t include check for letter Z. It had the test cases for letters other than Z but not Z. Although the test case for letter Z was present in Subtask 2 so, I received full points after correcting it for Z.

Here is my solution.

You can see that I have written the line for j in range(0,25). So in Python, j will never be equal to 25 so Z will never be printed. And just by luck, I didnā€™t get output as wrong answer, but I got partial marks.

I am new to Competitive Programming, so please donā€™t judge me on the quality of code which I have written.

I hope that you will correct the same. Looking forward to see some laddus in my account.

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the test cases were weak enough , lucky u .
not a bug, its weak test cases bro.