MTRICK - Editorial

i was wondering why O(n^2) was giving TLE because N<=1000 and time limit was 2sec. Wasn’t it enough ??

@shangjingbo Its still giving WA, i dont know whats getting wrong!!!

thanks for pointing out the problem in my code.

What I did was this. For reverse I kept count of no.of reverse operations. If this count is odd, your ans will be the last element of array & if even it will be the first element. I stored this element in ans_to_print variable. Since we didn’t need to manipulate it further. I deleted the element from the array. So, my trick of last for odd & first for even worked better. Now, for add & multiply, I kept two variable add & mult. As we know if we add some number to another number & than multiply with some another number like (10+50)*20, it will be 10*20 + 50*20. So picking a trick from this I modified add & mult as below:

else if(ch=='M')
   add=(add*b)%c;   /// This helped in maintaining the order of addition & multiplication.

So, in the end ans would simply be


Link to my codes: (Java) , (Python) :slight_smile:


Yes, from the theoretical complexity, it should work. But, you should also consider the implementations. If your implementation uses the mod operations too many times, or some other reasons lead to a big constant in time complexity, it may get TLE.

Please calm down and look your codes line by line, sentence by sentence carefully. I think you can figure out the bugs. :slight_smile:

And I have tested your code locally. It even failed by the sample cases! After I fixed the problem, I found your code TLE. There are too many unnecessary mod operations. And also, you can read the editorial to find a faster solution. Only O(N log C) for each case.

Can You Plz See My Solution…Unable to find Any Mistake…

A better/time effective approach to (a*b)%c could be

long long int mult(long long int a, long long int b, long long int c)
   a = a % c;
   b = b % c;
   long long int z = 0;
   for (1; a; a >>= 1){
                      if(a & 1)
                      if((z =z+ b) >= c)
                         z = z- c;
                      if((b = 2 * b) >= c)
             b =b- c;
 return z;

@shangjingbo can you explain what is happening in this fast multiplication or give me some link

in the first approach what are the initial values of K[0] and D[0] ?

what is ‘y’ here in the expression “if((z =z+ y) >= c)”???

it was a typo , corrected now

Why my this solution:
was giving nzec . All numbers in the listwere integers so i was just making a array out of those numbers while just making a simple list was working fine.

Can u please explain what this function does in detail…

long long multiple(long long a, long long b, long long c) // a * b % c
    if (b == 0) {
        return 0
    long long ret = multiple(a, b >> 1, c)
    ret = (ret + ret) % c
    if (b & 1) {
        ret = (ret + a) % c
    return ret

Initially, K[0] = 1 and D[0] = 0, because L0[i] = 1 * L[i] + 0

@sud210 we can use write b in binary, and prepare a, 2 * a, 4 * a, 8 * a, …, 2^k * a. 2^k <= b < 2^(k+1). Then, we can get the b * a in logb times of addition.

can anyone explain me why this O(n) solution is giving TLE ??

@shangjingbo why is it log©in the complexity? . shouldnt the multiplication step be log(B)?

Can anyone tell what is worong with that multiply_hack here??