INTUITIVE APPROACH FOR EQUILIBR (with very basic maths) -
Couple of observations here -
- Forces are balanced when they form closed polygon
If a1, a2, ⌠are sides of polygon and sum of sides is k,
the polygon is possible only when none of the sides is greater than k/2
***PROOF*** -
*For n sides to form a closed polygon, sum of any n-1 sides should be greater than the remaining one side
i.e, X1 < X2 + X3 + ... + Xn
since X1 + X2 + ... + Xn = k, substituting value of RHS in above equation
X1 < k - X1
2X1 < k
X1 < k/2
- Lets try to compute probability of loosing here
A key observation is that only one of the vectors can be given length greater than k/2
(thats because sum of other n-1 is itself less than k/2 because total sum is k)
- So if we fix vector 1 to have side greater than k/2 and probability of loosing turns out to be p,
Probe of winning = 1 - n*p
(thats because there are n options to fix a vector that will have side greater than k/2)
So the problem can be solved if we find p in step 3
To find p, vector 1 needs to have magnitude greater than k/2. Lets give vector 1 a magnitude of k/2
After the we have k - k/2 = k/2 magnitude left to be divided into n vectors
This problem is equivalent of following -
Consider a number line of [0, k] with segment [0, k/2] being blocked (because given to first vector)
What is the probability of putting n-1 cuts such that all cuts lie in (k/2, k] segment
If we think logically putting each of these (n-1) cuts is independent of one another (infinitely many real numbers between any range)
Also probability of a cut lying in second half of a number line is 1/2
Hence p = (1/2) ^ (n-1)
Answer to problem = 1 - n * [ (1/2) ^ (n-1) ]
The answer here turns out to be independent of k which perfectly makes sense.
This is because k here is the length of our line segment here and the cuts are real numbers.
Since the number of REAL numbers between [a,b] and [c,d] is same (infinite), the length of line doesnât matter here