Huge Difference in the Difficulty level of Problems of August Long Challenge

I’m posting here although I was first person to say don’t post here xD. But I personally like long contest. I decided that I will upsolve loncyc, I opened editorial for about ~10 times. But either didn’t read it. Or didn’t read after finding a link of pre req. for finding cycles in graph. Because I don’t want to spoil this problem.

But long are time consuming. And I have to struggle for 2-3 days to get AC. After I have solved non scorable problems. And no of problems solved by = 4 (including non scorable) + (no of days struggled)/3 ± 1.

I’m not in favour of reducing difficulty. If difficulty is reduced then I would be first person to complain about inflation in ratings. Because I learn more from a long contest rather than short contest.

This is a very good point; one that I will take on board next time around.

I am in favour of long challenge and i enjoy long challenge because of 10 days of time in which you can think logic or learn new algorithms…some time self discover algo’s.
in short long challenge is best for learners.