How did you solve the problems in today's paper ? What's the expected cutoff ?

I don’t think we need this. The cut-off is most probably going to be 100.

The result will be out tomorrow, anyway.

But still. Why not check it?!

@idraumr the result will be out on Monday.

D’oh. Sorry, totally thought tomorrow is Monday.

I’ve voted, for what it’s worth.

I know it is not at utmost necessity, but an estimate is definitely going to be good. We can also know the score distribution this year.

When is the final result coming?

I had the same ‘wall clock time limit exceeded’ error as animesh_f (I used Java too). I’ve written to them for re-evaluation. I’m yet to get my result. :frowning:

I’m interested to know how you guys approached the SPECIALSUMS problem…

Can anybody share how you did it? (which algorithm?, what logic?, etc.)

Omg, 10 people got 200!!! And 19 people getting >100!
So cutoff probably is 110 or so…

Results are out!
All the best to all those who qualified. May we have a strong competition at IOITC to get into IOI :slight_smile:

Congrats man! See you at the camp :slight_smile:

What was the cutoff?

Congrats everyone! :slight_smile:

100 I think.

Btw, will anyone appear for JEE? Can they keep the camp after JEE? If anyone is appearing for it, please mail them. Considering the fact that IOI is pretty late this year, so it won’t be a problem.

@ketanhwr, I suppose that will not be possible, as the team has to finish all formalities for travel atleast a month ahead. So, they will try to host the camp (and subsequently select the team) as soon as possible (ie. the starting of May). And the camp has been before JEE (or JEE Advanced) for the past two years.

You can ask them to have the camp later, but there is very little chance for that.

I did an email and the response was that it is impossible to conduct the camp before JEE.Will the class 12th guys still attend the camp ?
I’m also a class 12th student and not quite sure about attending it.

What happens at the camp?

This was the first year I applied for INOI and didn’t qualify for IOITC.

Am curious to know…

They teach us with important algos. And then there are tests for 3 days where they select the Indian team for IOI.