GRID - editorial

No need for dynamic programming in this question. Just throw light from east and then from south.
Indexes which recieved light from both east and south will have count 2. Rest will have count 0(initial) or 1(just from 1 side). Blocks are numbered 99.

While throwing light if you occur a 99/block stop the light else continue in that row or column.

At end count all blocks with count==2 and that is the answer. :slight_smile:

here is my solution for the above problem in cpp

My approach was:

  1. Make two NxN arrays
    1. Vertical array (to trace visibility from east)
    2. Horizontal array (to trace visibility from south)
  2. iterate each row from right to left in horizontal array. Mark items which are not visible.
  3. iterate each row from bottom to top in horizontal array and element is called v[i][j]. If v[i][j]=='.' and h[i][j]=='.' then Its a match :)
**Example**: Same example which is given in figure of problem description

Step 1: Horizontal array initially be like





Vertical array initially be like





Step 2:
Horizontal array be like


As I cannot see beyond a stone from east

Vertical array be like





Step 3:
Horizontal array be like



Vertical array be like






As I cannot see beyond a stone from south

Step 4: Answer will be the count of points which are common in both as ‘.’ Hence answer is 2

My JAVA solution is can be found HERE