Forgot Password input test cases

@bipin2 and by seeing your recent karma history all i see is u keep random down voting and very few up voting … which means u are uselessly using ths down voting button … u can check your own karma history

@sanzzzay: dude i went Directly to his PROFILE and check whether he has submitted any such question. I found it. So i took that question checked his submission. Took the latest one out. And started debugging. Usually he was supposed to provide it. Unfortunately he did not. But still i did it because i found him struggling with that question. And even after doing all these things it disappointing when people give -ve vote as presentation and still the author of this post has not turned back telling whether he has understood the mistake or not.

@bipin2 oh u are a GOOD debugger it seems going in ones profile and then debugging … good going …what i can do answer the question as they are asked in which context it is asked …and for the test case if i am not given the code link … i am not suppposed to go to his recent activity and then debug it like u do …i have a simple answer for his simple question and u are trying to prove urself SMART by going inside his profile and then debugging it and then downvoting my answer …and at the end …my answer is not for you …

What is your problem now? I don’t understand. What do you want? You need an Up-Vote? If then will your problem be solved?

i dont want any of your vote ,

I have remove the down-vote. Lets us end this cold war here :slight_smile:

ok as you say … HAPPY CODING … :slight_smile:


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