FORGETPW - Editorial

It will show runtime error because you have to enter N not the actual string after number of test cases.

@ PARTNER( :slight_smile: ),If the number contains ā€œonlyā€ non-zero fractional part, the integral part should be omitted."
Then THAT ā€œONLYā€ itself means that there will be no integral partā€¦isnā€™t it!!!and if there is no integral part then what is the need of stating to delete integral part!!!

try for n=0 and s=ā€œ000000000ā€
you have not handled this case. It should give answer as 0
try to work on this case too.
good luckā€¦!!!

try for 4 different cases which are mainly important
s=0.0 ,
s=00000 ,
s=0000.120030000 and
Still you want any case then try for ā€˜.ā€™ only
good luckā€¦!!!

if u give ā€˜spaceā€™ instead of nā€¦ it failsā€¦ how should i correct it?

@pmbhumkar - Iā€™m getting expected result on all those tests: 0, 0, .12003, 0
Any other suggestions? It would really help to see exactly which test cases the code failed on.

This should return 333, right?

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Same situation here. Got 0, 0, .12003, 120000 and 0.But still gives wrong answer in system test.

this is my solution. can anybody tell me whatā€™s wrong with this solution. it passed all tricky test cases but still showing wrong answer.

My code works fine for all the input cases, I also tried my code with the tricky cases mentioned in the editorial but i am still getting WA. Can anyone please explain to me what the problem is.



Your code has the same problem. is the answer that i have posted. Unfortunately you have down-voted my answer for no reason :frowning:

0 ā‰¤ N ā‰¤ 94 this constraint is given and u have used char x[30],y[30];that means to accomodate max 95 char u need array of atleast 95 size

check this. its correctā€¦but give WA in codechef

@betlista: Thanks! will correct it now!

Iā€™m getting a correct answer for every corner case, for every cases I read in the comments, yet getting a WA.

Can someone help me to tell where is it that I am going wrong?


getting WA after trying several test casesā€¦ ā€¦can someone helpā€¦!!

I am getting all test cases correct on my system still it is giving wrong answer ā€¦please suggest what i am doing wrongā€¦

Iā€™m just doing these for practice, but its really hard to call ā€œ.ā€ a ā€œpositive decimal numberā€. Arguably its also hard to call ā€œ0ā€ and ā€œ0.0ā€ as a ā€œpositive decimal numberā€ (ā€œnon-negative decimal numberā€ would have been more appropriate), but I donā€™t think that ā€œ.ā€ passes as a ā€œpositive decimal numberā€ in any culture Iā€™m aware of.

@dpraveen :diamonds::diamonds: could you please help me hereā€¦thanxxxā€¦

plz can anyone point out the errorā€¦
i spent lot of time over itā€¦(>_<)