Feedback regarding March long challenge

I think the difficulty of the problems should be increased a little. The set of 10 problems should be such that they cover a range of different algorithms and data-structures. I see that the first few problems ( 4-5 problems) of Codechef Long are solely implementation/math/greedy.

Also, problems should not be very heavy on implementation, as sometimes is the case. Rather, problem should test the analytical skills and knowledge of algorithms of the contestant, but should not be hard to implement after coming up with a solution.

Another point i would like to make is that subtasks should be removed from the easier problems (easy to easy-medium level problems), since the contestant gains nothing on solving these subtasks. Rather, some users get distracted from the full 100pt solution, and just code to get the “easy” points from the smaller subtask and give up on the question, while they could have easily solved the full problem, had they given some more thought to it. This is the sole purpose of Long challenge, improving by pushing yourself beyond your current limits.

Overall, I found March Long Challenge to be good one when compared to previous few long challenges :slight_smile:

I like Sine wave question…Because It has real fun for beginner…

first I made bruteforce solution try to make all possible solution and just merge all solution and find frequency of all solution and which frequency asked I have answered by simple iterative search…but pass only 1 subtask…

after doing some graph ploting on paper i go some idea than I generalize my solution with help of some trivial input…

after that I got know what exactly is going on here actually solution merging to each no need to do all previous stuff…then I went little deep and then I found some mathematical Relation which very easy…first time I had done question which looks to me very tough question in live contest…Feeling great after getting 100pts…