Even you need a faster input output method. This question has many inputs. cin and cout are slow. Use scanf/printf or else if u want to continue using cin and cout add this line std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false); under the int main line
@ bhanuagrawal
I just checked your code and find the following things wrong with your code .
- first of all read the problem statement carefully. you need to output the answer mod 10^9+9 because number of arrangements may be very large. you have not used mod any where in your code.
Second thing your array size is exactly 10^5 and you are using 1 based indexing. In c and c++ 0 based indexing is used. so your array actual index is from 0 to 99999 and you are trying to access 1 to 10^5.
Thanks for the explanation!
I did exactly the same as mentioned.But still getting the WA .
anyone could tell me why.?
here is the link to my solution
what is the answer to above example.?i.e the total number of combinations after modulo.?
anyone could please point out the mistake in my code ?
I am getting wrong answer again n again.
link to my solution -> http://www.codechef.com/viewsolution/5261675
anyone could please point out the mistake in my code ?
I am getting wrong answer again n again.
link to my solution -> http://www.codechef.com/viewsolution/5261675
I didn’t use Fast I/O being a java user.Instead I did an optimization i.e start from the minimum position(which is painted) and go till Max Position(which is painted).
Hope that helps.
Here is my
[1] for reference.
[1]: https://www.codechef.com/viewsolution/15878434