DYNAINV - Editorial

how to solve the problem without modulo 2 in O(logn) per query ? i solved it in (NlogN + QrootNlogN) , is anything better possile ?

I think you can do it @rajat1603 . Instead of breaking upinto pieces try maintaining Fenwick trees starting at position i such that they span upto 2^j , then you can achieve something log N * log N I guess!!
Read Sparse Table on Topcoder , My idea is very similar to that , wherever we can break into square root pieces , we have a very high probability that we can do it like the sparse table!

I actually already did O((N + Q)logn * log(max)) using segtree on trie or treap on trie but both gave TLE , idk why but O(NlogN + NrootNlogMax) worked faster.

This is my solution which gives WA. Can anyone identify the mistake?

Can somebody please tell what’s wrong with my answer , its showing WA in the last two tasks.I have used enhanced merge sort to count the number of inversions and used the fact that parity changes after every swap.

This is my solution using MODIFIED MERGE SORT and BINARY INDEXED TREE.