Correction - “We need to design an algorithm which reduces the chance of being unlucky and increases the change of being lucky.” instead of “We need to design an algorithm which reduces the chance of being lucky and increases the change of being lucky.”.
Consider the following case:
2 2 4 4 6 6
Your gives ans as 4, it should be 3. You need not pair to the same element always. So just subtract 1 and push back till it becomes zero
@rahul1995 a-b means you are pairing to the same element. Thats why its pairing 6,4 and 6,4 in the same case leaving behind 2 2 only.
Look at my similar submission:
Oh yes! Couldn’t think of that…Thanks
Excellent. How did you come up with that? Why does it work?
Can someone find mistake in my
though i manually checked different test cases.
I want to submit for this problem but the submit button is not available
What is wrong with this
@shariquemohd you can directly submit to: ,i had just submitted like this.
Can’t see the solution.XML error.
I used a similar approach but not O(n). I think it is correct because there will exist a number different than itself to pair it with if occurrence of a number is less than half of the size of the array. On the other hand if a number repeats more than n/2 times you cannot find a number to pair it with after (size - maxcount) times. Hope you understood why it is right.
I used a different approch to calculate count and is the link to my solution.
Can someone please provide any test case in which given code gives wrong output.
Implemented using Max Priority Queue. But still getting WA.
Tried all the above test cases and Passed.
Can Anyone tell other test cases where my code might have failed
here is my link to solution
XML error.!
I have implemented using max heap.
I have passed all the test case given above.
But Still getting WA
Can someone tell me any test case where my code might fail.
my solution link
What will be the answer of this test case
1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 2
and how ?
will it be 6 or 5?