@raj44ever - shouldn’t this TLE on specific cases as the standard rabin karp has time complexity O(n^2) for certain strings.
Can this question be solved using Polynomial Hashing and using maps?
Could anyone explain, in a little detail, how this can be solved using Suffix Trees? I read the StackOverflow post on how to construct a suffix tree. What next?
It was possible to get it ACed with trie too…,
i too had this problem but then removed this line
for(int x=0;x< ALPHABET_SIZE;x++)
q->link[x] = NULL;
from the below code as there is no need to waste time assigning NULL to those pointers as it is done automatically.
struct node* create_node() {
struct node *q = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
for(int x=0;x<ALPHABET_SIZE;x++)
q->link[x] = NULL;
q->data = -1;
return q;
i think those who were getting tle will get AC with this optimisation.
@thezodiac1994 it may get TLE but for those cases you have to further optimize the solution so that it remains in the time limit
Please can anyone help me understanding suffix array method…i couldn’t get it how to use suffix array…
I haven’t heard about the trie DS till now, but I think I used a similar approach, and after a lot of submissions, I finally got AC 100pts.
I don’t know anything about suffix arrays either, I guess I’ll read about them now.
Basically I went through the entire string and saved the indices of all a’s,b’s,c’s…z’s separately in vectors.
Then, I would pick any one vector, and for each index look at index+1, and again store all indexes of a’s,b’s,c’s…z’s. If the number of alphabets is more than 1, only then will it be used, so whenever any such vector had more than 1 alphabet, then I would make an entry in a multiset of the number of alphabets.
Example: You start with the vector of all 1st a’s. Now you look at index+1 for each a, and find say 3 a’s 2 b’s 1 c
this means you have 3 strings of the form ‘aa’ , two of the form ‘ab’ and 1 of the form ‘ac’
The contribution we care about is only from where we have 3 equal strings ‘aa’ and 2 equal ‘ab’, we don’t care about ac,
further, we don’t need to recursively use the vector containing only this one c, because it will only lead to a string which will never match any other, as we only have 1 ‘ac’, we will always have at most 1 ‘aca’,‘acb’,‘acc’ etc.
Using this approach, I was able to calculate the required multiset, in which there were entries such as 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 etc, denoting the number of equal strings of various types.
I further shortened this to a simple vector which had pair of values, the actual number and number of occurrences, eg: in 2 2 2 3 4 4
we have entries for vector as pairs
(2 3)
(3 1)
(4 2)
As I had used a multiset, these values were already sorted, even in the created vector.
After this I simply used the logic of inverse modulo and saving inverse factorials to compute nCr. I later precomputed all values till 5000! % MOD and stored them in an array, and then when required computed r, n-r inverse factorials if they weren’t already computed and stored.
I was also sorting the given queries, so as to answer the same query value without having to recompute, like if k=3 is given 5 times in all, then it will be computed once, and then the result will be reused.
I was getting AC in all tasks except 1 of the last subtask.
To my surprise, in that task, if I would just terminate the program before the actual nCr calculating part, and only let the entire multiset and vector creation take place, it was taking a running time of 0.08 s, but after the nCr calc, it was giving TLE.
I tried using putchar_unlocked and using getchar for string input instead of scanf/printf, but the running times were almost exactly the same.
For a little more shocking experience, in one of the statements of the nCr calculating function, there were 3 terms being multiplied, and if I would just comment out 1 of them, it was giving WA with a running time of about 0.8s but no TLE.
Anyway, after a lot of tweaking around, I finally managed to get AC by removing 1 % operation in a certain loop. I was stunned that such a small change got my submission accepted! but well, at least it did get submitted finally.
Here’s my final solution http://www.codechef.com/viewsolution/7225592
Editorials are supposed to provide an opportunity for us to learn. Not point to a third party link! Wake up guys!
@antoniuk1, Sir, your Z transform function should fill the vector z till ‘n’, as given in the example of editorial, also the program is giving compilation error
can anyone please explain how to use the Z-array to calculate the cnt array …! thanks
Well, from the editorial I could only understand that Z function was needed to solve this problem.
How I can use Z function? Still no idea.
Things are not properly explained, perhaps editorial is written for people who already solved it?
Just to point out, it is mentioned in the editorial that Z function is calculated for all suffixes of given string, whereas in the Author’s solution I found this:
for(i=0; i<s.size(); i++){
vector<int> zz = z_function(s.substr(i, n-i));
I hope, quality of editorials will improve on Codechef in near future.
I did this via a counting-sort type algorithm. It is O(n^2), but in practice it works much better.
Here is the solution:
Basically, we start sorting by the first character. Then we get some distinct regions
For each region, we sort by the second character etc.
Could someone explain more clearly how cnt is calculated from z? Thanks in advance.
shouldn’t cnt[1] be incremented by 3 ? Since {a,aba,ababa} all can belong in that group.
can anyone please explain me the significance of these lines in the authors code?
for(auto x : zz) {
“From the above array we can conclude that we have 1 substring which can be choosen atleast 3 times. How? Because there are 3 entries in the above array that are greater than or equal to 1. Similarly we can deduce for 2 (2 times), 3 (2 times), 4 (1 time ) and 5(1 time). So we increment cnt[3] once, cnt[2] twice and cnt[1] twice.”
I didn’t understand a word of this… Someone please care to elaborate?
BUMP! No response?
Cool solution!
For everyone out there, who are upset with the editorial of this problem.
so, I assume you all have understood the working of the Z algorithm.
Let us see how the cnt array is made.
Note that the Z algorithm is applied for each suffix of the given string.
Here, the string is “ababa”.
So, the Z algorithm will be applied over “ababa”, “baba”, “aba”, “ba” and finally “a”.
In Iteration 1: (when the suffix is “ababa”):
Clearly, the Z array we get in this case is:
z[0]=5, z[1]=0, z[2]=3, z[3]=0, z[4]=1.
Once this array is computed, we see that there are 3 entries in the above array which are >= 1.
Similarly, 2 entries >=2, 2 entries>=3, 1 entry >=4 and 1 entry >=5.
Hence, for this iteration, the cnt array will be calculated as:
Since we have: 3 entries >=1 , so, increment cnt[3].
2 entries >=2 , so, increment cnt[2].
2 entries >= 3 , so, increment cnt[2].
1 entries >=4, so, increment cnt[1].
1 entries >=5, so, increment cnt[1].
Thus, after this iteration, our cnt array is:
In iteration second: (when the suffix is “baba”)
The Z array is z[0]=4, z[1]=0, z[2]=2, z[3]=0, z[4]=0.
After this iteration, cnt array becomes:
Now, After all 5 iterations, the final cnt array is
Now, this is the cumulative cnt array. It means, cnt[1] represents how many substring occurs at least 1 time. So, to get exactly 1 time, we do: cnt[1]-cnt[2] (at least 1 time - at least 2 time).
Thus, we get:
cnt[5]=0, to get our final cnt array.
See my solution for implementation. http://www.codechef.com/viewsolution/7249877