CBALLS - Editorial

How do you find out “the most common prime. that divides most number of elements” ? Paste your code link also

Weak tests again! -_-
Got AC by testing all numbers till sqrt(n)! :stuck_out_tongue:


Can anyone see the author’s sample code ? I am seeing the following:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
AccessDeniedAccess Denied8802F77EEBE2F550YHEZSFLOLlylKAg2Otsl4Iarz4Rgr/ldqRuwrH7pwc2Syh85mBpAL84Dupxx6C+pLHCW0Z5cBLA=


The damn linked solutions don’t work YET AGAIN. @Codechef: What’s wrong with you guys? Do you deliberately like annoying participants??