Can't view solution after contest ended

From here, I found that phi(N)/N will be maximum, when the number of prime factors is minimum (which is equal to 1); and when this prime factor is maximum. This clearly means I need the largest prime less than or equal to the given N.

To check whether a number is prime, I used the Miller-Rabin test, the details of which I took from here. But how many iterations? From citation number 12 in the given link, I reached here. From this, I got all my requirements. These finally led me to this Python code:

def modular_pow(base, exponent, modulus):
	result = 1
	while exponent > 0:
		if (exponent % 2 == 1):
			result = (result * base) % modulus
		exponent = exponent // 2
		base = (base * base) % modulus
	return result

def passesMillerRabinTest(n, a):
	s = 0
	d = n - 1
	while (d % 2 == 0):
		s += 1
		d >>= 1

	x = modular_pow(a, d, n)
	if (x == 1 or x == n - 1):
		return True
	for ss in xrange(s - 1):
		x = (x * x) % n
		if x == 1:
			return False
		if x == n - 1:
			return True
	return False

primeList = (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37)

def isPrime(n):
	for p in primeList:
		if n % p == 0:
			return n == p
	for p in primeList:
		if passesMillerRabinTest(n, p) == False:
			return False
	return True

t = int(raw_input())
for tt in xrange(t):
	n = int(raw_input())
	if n == 2:
		print 2
	if n % 2 == 0:
		n -= 1

	while (True):
		if isPrime(n):
			print n
		n -= 2

And, it was AC!!

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now fixed!

We are fixing this. Some solutions are not visible.

still can’t see :frowning:

server has a bad day today, solutions were public for a while and thay are not again, admins know about this already :wink:

Links for JUNONGF not working, please fix it…