I used recursive backtrack to get to the final solution if the initial lexicographically smallest solution is proved invalid. Doesn’t need to consider any cases. My Solution
I think this was giving me a few wrong answers initially
Hi, can anyone pls help me in finding the test case for which my solution is failing? http://www.codechef.com/viewsolution/1128186 is my solution. Thanks in advance.
Finally I managed to solve it! Thanks to the editorial team
My test case was failing only for: n=1
Here’s my solution if anyone’s interested:
@probsetter-can u tell me which cases of test file my code fails?..:?
thnx in adv…
Please Someone Help me and find a testcase for which my code will not work.
I am getting wrong answer. can anyone please tell me, which test case does my code fail?
I have tried all aforementioned test cases.
Just a query : for the test case where K=1 and S=“5” , the output must be “NO”, right?
But I just observed that few solutions that got AC , have the output as “0” for the above test case.
Please explain?
P.S : Correct me if I am wrong
I am a little late to the party, but can someone please help me with what is wrong with my solution. I have read the editorial and fail to see what am I doing differently, which is causing WA for my solution. Please help