ANUGCD - Editorial

@Anudeep, Sir can you please tell where my code fails

I did this question using the segment tree and prime factorisation and I am interested in the other methods for doing this problem mentioned by you above. So, I request you to explain your solution solution a bit more so that i and others can have benefit of that because it is quite difficult to understand the code directly.

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I used Segment Tree and sparse tree in separate solution. My program was running in under 2s for the given constraints, but i kept getting TLE. Can you plz look at my solution,


I went through your code of ANUGCD solution using BIT. I didnā€™t quite understand your BIT query logic to find the max in a range. How can a BIT be used to perform range maximum query?

Can you please explain?

@anudeep2011 @rodrigozhou

Hi, I was going through the Binary Indexed Tree solution linked in the editorial. I could not quite understand how a BIT was used to perform range maximum query, specifically the following two blocks of update and query code:

void update(vector<int> &bit, int x, int val) {
    while (x < bit.size()) {
        bit[x] = max(bit[x], val);
        x += x & -x;

int query(const vector<int> &v, const vector<int> &bit, int l, int r) {
    int ret = 0;
    while (r > l) {
        int n = r - (r & -r);
        if (n >= l) {
            ret = max(ret, bit[r]);
            r = n;
        else {
            ret = max(ret, v[r--]);
    return ret;

I havenā€™t come across and do not know of a method to get max/min value in a range using BIT. The above method looks buggy to me too. Can you guys please explain the above approach?


Just remember the usual query in BIT. It would be like this:

int query(const vector<int> &bit, int x) {
    int ret = 0;
    while (x > 0) {
        ret += bit[x];
        x -= x & -x;

In the usual BIT query, bit[x] represents the accumulated sum in the range [x-(x&-x)+1, x]. Thatā€™s why you do ā€œx -= x & -xā€: youā€™re jumping to the next range not summed yet.

So, the idea to do a range query in a BIT is to check if the whole interval that bit[x] represents is contained in the range that I want.

In the header of the range query function, the parameters means: v is the array of values, bit is the BIT of v and the range query is for [l, r].

In line, ā€œint n = r - (r & -r)ā€ means that bit[r] has the accumulated sum of the range [n+1, r]. As I have already decreased the value of l, if n >= l, then [n+1, r] is fully contained in (l, r] and I can sum bit[r] to my answer. Otherwise, I cannot do this. So I just get the value set in the v[r] and advance r in just one index.

I used the sum function in the explanation instead of max, and I hope it is not a problem.

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I understand and agree with your above explanation but I think it is valid only for range sum query and NOT min/max query.

Lets take an example (on an index 1 based BIT) for a range max query problem:
This is my input array of size 4:
index: 1 2 3 4
value: 5 3 1 4

This is the BIT constructed on the above input array which stores the max at each node according to your update function:
index: 1 2 3 4
value: 5 5 1 5

How do I get the range max in the interval, say (2, 4) in this case with the above query algorithm?

Expected answer: 4

So, youā€™re doing query(v,bit,l=2,r=4).

In the first iteration, n=4-(4&-4)=0. So, n<l. This means the interval [1,4] is not contained in [2,4]. Therefore, Iā€™ll do ret=max(ret,v[4])=4 and r=3.

In the second iteration, n=3-(3&-3)=2 and n>=l. This means the interval [3,3] is contained in [2,4] and I can take the accumulated value in bit[3]. So, ret=max(ret,bit[3])=4 and r=2.

In the third iteration, n=2-(2&-2)=0 and n<l. This case is analogue to the first iteration and Iā€™ll do ret=max(ret,v[2])=4 and r=1.

This finishes the while loop and the answer is ret=4.

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In fact, I think this works for any functionā€¦ I donā€™t see any restriction.


I just noticed that you were doing ret = max(ret, v[rā€“]) and not ret = max(ret, bit[rā€“]).

Now that Iā€™ve understood it, I find your approach amazing! I was searching exactly for range min/max query using BIT for some time and I am glad that I came across your solution.

How did you come up with this approach? Have you considered writing an article on this? I doubt that many people know this.

Canā€™t We do solve this question using Moā€™s Algorithm. I have tried it but getting TLE.
Here is my code:

Here is my solution if anyone wants to refer as I guess itā€™s pretty readable. Feel free to comment if anything isnā€™t clear. (PS: implemented after referring editorial :slight_smile: