AMSGAME2 - Editorial

explain this part...
for (; n--;) {
	 		int x;
	 		scanf("%d", &x);
	 		for (int i = 1; i <= 10000; i++)
	 			if (d[i])
	 				d[__gcd(i, x)] += d[i]; //here?
	 		d[x] += d[0]; // why this?


because, if no such d[i] was found then you know that this element was encountered previously so you update it so that elements coming in future know that particular d[i] is not zero anymore. Told you, take an example and you’ll be fine with it.

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can someone explain me why we have to add up (pos 0 to n-1 ), won’t the recursive function
f ( 0,a[0] ) count all the conditions as it includes, including and exculding every element?

You have to choose the first element somehow, in f(0, a[0]) you chose a[0] as GCD, but if you skip a[0] GCD is different…

counter example is


your code prints 0 -, { 1 } is correct sub-sequence

The answer when only two elements are present i.e. 1 and 2 should be 1 but your recurrence relation is giving the answer as 2 i.e. it is counting two subsets having gcd=1 -> {1} and {1,2} while {1} cannot be considered valid. Can u explain??

one more question, the time taken per testcase is N * 10^4 and there are 100 test cases at most. In the worst case scenario, N would be 60 so time taken would be 60 * 10^4 * 100 or 6*10^7. I dont think this could run in 1 sec time limit… Can any body plz tell me wats wrong on this?

My above code is AC. But when I uncomment the commented line it gives WA. Basically, commented line is implementation of

f(pos, 1) = 2^(N-pos) to speed up calculation.

I’m unable to understand why this is happening. Can anyone please explain ?

Could anyone explain what the recursive function is actually doing ??

The recursive function is calling itself recursively. :smiley:
Read this

how are we making subsets here then ??

Thanks @bugkiller and acube for such a wonderful algorithm to such a nice problem. Learnt so much.

I didnt understand the recurrence part…
plz elaborate with an example…

I didnt understand the recurrence part…
plz elaborate with an example…

f(pos, current_gcd) = f(pos+1, current_gcd) + f(pos+1, gcd(current_gcd, A[pos]))
with the base cases as
f(N, 1) = 1, f(N, k) = 0 for k > 1,
f(pos, 1) = 2^(N-pos) to speed up calculation.
please explain what are these lines doing.

why does a normal bottom up approach using tabular method gives TLE…whereas top down memoized soln gives AC although complexity looks the same in both cases ie O(N10^4logN) in worst case:
bottom up dp:
top down memoized:

@bugkiller i can get the answer by dry run of ur code but cant get the logic of the line “d[__gcd(i, x)] += d[i];” please explain