ALETHIO - Editorial

@kunal361 So long double is capable enough to store numbers of range 10^1000. This is “woww”. So in cases where precision is not of that importance we can use long doubles. Right ??

see this…

also for a functional code using double for a problem in the long contest u can have a look at this code… …this is 1 of my friends code he used 2D matrix of double to store the pascals triangle…!!!

interestingly it stored all values with adequate precision…!!!

@kunal361 is that link broken, nothing is displayed. Maybe it’s due to user’s privacy control.

oops sorry…changed it!!!

Getting WA … have checked for all the corner cases and getting correct result. Help me in figuring out what is it that I am doing wrong… need help with the test cases…

you dont print nething when ans in “0”…pls check that case…!!!

@viaan i m also getting wrong answer…even my solution gives 0 for a string consist of all zero’s
plz check my solution

@malaykeshav does your input gives output 9000…???

yes…9000 is correct!!!

thanks… I did change the code to print “0” …

Strange thing i noticed for my program it is giving no output if i have to print single zero. :

Also for this simple code to no out put:

Please help

print a “\n” after 0…i think it will solve the issue!!!

then why am i getting WA…??..:(…plz check my solution…

yeah i have checked all those cases…but still getting WA…

I have the same output for the string. Make sure your output is zero when there is no input- that thing got me stuck the whole time!

thanks … it solved the issue… but still getting WA !!

What exactly do you mean by no input??
The Problem says 1<=|S|<=1000

@bodmas… C23DB34 will your code works for this test case.

Plz tell me why am i getting NZEC error in this code…

I am using String rather than integer and i have checked all the points @prad_adm has posted above…

getting WA… plzz help !! all of the inputs given in editorial givin correct answers…

ideone link :