A request to codechef admin

@admin I have a suggestion. There should be a rule that a contributor on discuss will get laddus only once in 3 months. I mean that you should give laddus to top contributors every month, but not give laddus to those contributors who have won laddus in the previous three months. I think this will have 2 benefits:

  1. It will reduce the farmers whose sole motive is it get laddus and reduce their activities to once in 3 months.

  2. It will encourage other users (who are not able to get to top 5?) to contribute on CodeChef Discuss.

The best advantage is that the true contributors would get their reward (but a bit less). Is my suggestion good?

I believe that removing karma will not stop people from contributing, because codeforces and quora.com too don’t have any karma or stuff. I think making Codechef discussion forum like quora or stackoverflow is the solution.